Phil Anselmo from Pantera and Down talks about writing his first song when he was 9 years old. Tells how when he was 15 and saw Agnostic Front “When I saw Agonstic Front, a bunch of dudes, no image and deliver these unforgiving, quick hard hitting songs it changed my perspective forever. In 1988 the guys in Slayer came to a Pantera show quickly hitting it off. Phil and Kerry King exchanged numbers and next thing you know it Kerry came down to Louisiana to jam with Pantara learning Chemical Warfare, Reign in Blood, South of Heaven. As Phil reflects “ I think that right then and there that’s where Dimebag really learned to respect the thrash riff and the power of it and the actual real way to play Reign in Blood and that type of technicality hit him hard and I think that without that particular moment in life Pantera would of ended up on a very different path.“
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